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€24.92 (You save €13.34)
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Product Description

From DONNY CATES (GOD COUNTRY, Hulk, Thor), RYAN STEGMAN (VENOM, King in Black), JP MAYER (Absolute Carnage, Fantastic Four), SONIA OBACK (Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, Han Solo), and JOHN J. HILL (CROSSOVER, Harley Quinn), the all-star creative team that brought you VENOM, comes an all-new take on the classic hero's quest!
Oliver Harrison was a mythical hero who slayed the greatest threat to his realm before even hitting puberty. But that was then.
As an adult, Oliver leads an average cookie-cutter suburban life-aside from the fact that he's mentally unstable, massively paranoid, smokes like a chimney, and gets blackout drunk every night to hide from his horrific nightmares. Will the arrival of a superhero team called the Prestige prove the madness isn't all in Oliver's head? And what about all the epic fantasy crap from his childhood?
Join us for a brutal as hell tale of magical worlds, gifted youth, evil sorcerers, superheroes, war, blood, guts, and death that punches you right in the face!


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This is a stock photo. Release date and cover image are subject to change by the publisher at anytime. Covers will, in most cases also have logos and prices added to the front cover. These are NOT virgin covers, in most cases.

If you order comics with different shipping dates and combine them in one shipment, they will all ship when the last item is released. Additional shipping fees apply for separate shipments. Please do not combine loose comics, comic losts or comic sets with anything else as it will cause a incorrect shipping amount. 

You can combine different lots of comics in the same order, as long as they are not graded comics.    





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